Runoff management: non-agricultural performance standards, developed urban areas and transportation facility performance standards, and developed urban areas [Admin.Code NR 151.13, 151.25] - CR 19-050
Site-specific numeric phosphorus water quality criteria for surface waters developed [Admin.Code NR 102.01, 102.06, 119] - CR 19-093
Site-specific phosphorus criteria established for Lac Courte Oreilles, a lake in Sawyer County [Admin.Code NR 102.06] - CR 19-125
Site-specific phosphorus water quality criteria for Petenwell Lake, Castle Rock Lake, and Lake Wisconsin [Admin.Code NR 102.06] - CR 19-083
Storm water discharge permits: other environmental programs re municipal separate storm sewer system [Admin.Code NR 216.022] - CR 19-052
Updates to water quality criteria for pathogens to protect recreational uses and related WPDES permit implementation procedures updated re EPA's recreational water quality criteria; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 102.03, 102.04, 104.06, 104.20, 210.03, 210.06, 219.04 Table A and Table EM] - CR 19-014
water supplyWater supply, see also Wells
County soil and water resource management standards: DATCP environmental assessment requirement repealed [Admin.Code ATCP 3.02] - CR 19-056
Milk, food, and water testing laboratories [Admin.Code ATCP 77.01, 77.02, 77.04, 77.06, 77.08, 77.10, 77.14, 77.20, 77.22, 77.23, 77.24, 77.34] - CR 19-076
waterfowlWaterfowl, see Bird
waterways and water powerWaterways and water power, see also Lakes
Fishing regulations on inland, outlying, and boundary waters [Admin.Code NR 20.10, 20.18. 20.20, 20.40, 21.04, 22.04, 23.05, 26.01] - CR 19-016
Fishing regulations on inland, outlying, and boundary waters: minor revisions [Admin.Code NR 20.03, 20.05, 20.10, 20.11, 20.15, 20.18, 20.20, 20.35, 20.37, 20.40, 21.04, 25.02] - CR 19-091
Lake and river planning, monitoring, and protection, and aquatic invasive species: administration of cost-sharing grant programs [Admin.Code NR 1.91, 20.40, 150.20, 190, 191, 192, 193, 195, 198] - CR 19-078
Processes for waterbody assessments and impaired waters listing, biological criteria for water quality standards, and biological confirmation of phosphorus impairments [Admin.Code NR 102.03, 102.04, 102.06, 102.07, 102 subch. III and IV, 217.13] - CR 19-094
Water service rules applicable to public utilities [Admin.Code PSC 185.11, 185.12, 185.14, 185.15, 185.16, 185.17, 185.18, 185.21, 185.22, 185.30, 185.305, 185.31, 185.32, 185.33, 185.34, 185.35, 185.36, 185.361, 185.37, 185.38, 185.39, 185.40, 185.405, 185.44, 185.46, 185.47, 185.52, 185.61, 185.65, 185.73, 185.74, 185.75, 185.76, 1185.79, 85.81, 185.82, 185.83, 185.85, 185.86, 185.88, 185.89, 185.90, 185.96, 185.97] - CR 17-055
Lake and river planning, monitoring, and protection, and aquatic invasive species: administration of cost-sharing grant programs [Admin.Code NR 1.91, 20.40, 150.20, 190, 191, 192, 193, 195, 198] - CR 19-078
Prohibited noxious weed seeds [Admin.Code ATCP 20.01] - CR 18-020
Well construction and pump installation and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 110.15, 146.02, 146.08, 146.12, 507.14, 738.03, 812.07, 812.08, 812.09, 812.091, 812 subch. II, 812.27, 812.28, 812.29, 812.30, 812.31, 812.32, 812.33, 812.34, 812.36, 812.37, 812.38, 812.39, 812.40, 812.41, 812.42, 812.43, 812.44, 812.45, 812.46, 812 Figures 1 to 75, 812 Appendix, 820.12, 845.04, 845.16] - CR 18-095
wic _women, infants and children program_WIC (Women, infants and children program), see Maternal and infant care
wild animalWild animal, see Animal
wildlifeWildlife, see Hunting
wireless telecommunicationsWireless telecommunications, see Telecommunications
wisconsin sharesWisconsin Shares, see Day care
wisconsin worksWisconsin Works
W-2 time limits and extensions [Admin.Code DCF 101.09, 101.095, 101.18] - CR 18-016
wood countyWood County
Site-specific phosphorus water quality criteria for Petenwell Lake, Castle Rock Lake, and Lake Wisconsin [Admin.Code NR 102.06] - CR 19-083
worker_s compensationWorker's compensation
Rules of procedure for adjudication of WC and related claims [Admin.Code HA 4.01, 4.02, 4.03, 4.04, 4.05, 4.06, 4.07, 4.08, 4.09, 4.11, 4.13, 4.14, 4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18] - CR 18-059
workforce development, department ofWorkforce Development, Department of
Apprenticeship programs: federal equal employment opportunity standards [Admin.Code DWD 295.02, 296] - CR 19-003
Payment and performance assurance requirements: adjustment of thresholds [Admin.Code DWD 293] - CR 18-099
Payment and performance assurance requirements re contract price thresholds [Admin.Code DWD 293.01, 293.02] - CR 16-043
Replacing derogatory or offensive terminology with current, inclusive terminology (per Gov. Evers Executive Order #15) [Admin.Code DWD 80.25, 272.09, 272.13, 277.03] - CR 20-031
Technical education equipment grants under the Wisconsin Fast Forward program [Admin.Code DWD 802] - CR 20-015
UI program: minor and technical changes [Admin.Code DWD 100.02, 101 (title), 101.001, 101.01, 101.02, 101.05, 102.02, 103.01, 110.02, 110.05, 110.06, 110.07, 110.08, 110.09, 110.10, 111.001, 111.01, 111.02, 111.03, 111.04, 111.06, 113.001, 113.02, 113.025, 113.03, 113.04, 113.05, 113.06, 113.07, 114.20, 114.30, 114.50, 115.001, 115.01, 115.02, 115.03, 115.04, 115.05, 115.06, 115.07, 115.08, 115.09, 115.10, 115.11, 120.01 (note), 120.03, 127.01, 127.02, 127.06, 127.07, 128.001, 128.01, 129.01, 129.03, 130, 131.001, 131.10, 131.30, 131.40, 132.001, 132.04, 132.05, 133.02, 135.04, 136.001, 136.02, 136.03, 140.001, 140.01, 140.04, 140.05, 140.06, 140.07, 140.08, 140.09, 140.10, 140.11, 140.12, 140.13, 140.15, 140.16, 140.17, 140.18, 140.19, 140.20, 140.21, 140.22, 142.02, 147.01, 149.001, 149.02, 149.05, 149.06, 149.07, 150 Table, 150.03, 150.05] - CR 18-033
wpdes _water pollution discharge elimination system_WPDES (Water pollution discharge elimination system), see Water — Pollution
youthYouth, see also Children, and its subheadings
Early College Credit Program replaces Youth Options program as a result of 2017 WisAct 59 [Admin.Code PI 40] - CR 18-077
Electrician continuing education: youth apprenticeship program provision [Admin.Code SPS 305.45] - CR 20-035
Secured residential care centers for children and youth [Admin.Code DOC 347] - CR 20-030
youth conservation programsYouth conservation programs
Youth crisis stabilization facilities [Admin.Code DHS 50] - CR 19-077